Should you use Reddit for B2B lead generation?

Why you might want to go with Reddit:

You're scrolling through your Reddit notifications and spot a private message: "Hey, that advice you gave in r/startups was exactly what I needed. We're actually looking for someone with your expertise. Can we chat?" Your heart races a bit. Your genuine engagement in the community is paying off in an unexpected way.
To get here, you'll need to:
  • Identify subreddits you can genuinely contribute to with the kind people you’re looking for
  • Reply to posts daily with knowledge, empathy and helpful insights
  • Build genuine relationships and navigate criticism
  • Develop a nuanced understanding of each community's culture and rules

Why you might not want to go with Reddit:

You've just spent an hour crafting what you thought was a helpful post, only to have it downvoted into oblivion within minutes. The mod message pops up: "Banned for self-promotion." You're frustrated, realizing that navigating Reddit's anti-advertising culture is trickier than you thought.
This might be you if:
  • You frequently miss sarcasm or subtle hints in text communication
  • You're not comfortable with the occasionally abrasive tone of some Reddit communities
  • You find it challenging to contribute without overtly promoting your business

Who you need to be to make Reddit work for you:

You're the type of person who:
  • Has an older profile (>1 year) with a good amount of karma (>1000)
  • Genuinely enjoys engaging in diverse conversations beyond just business
  • Can provide value for a while without expecting immediate returns
  • Has thick skin and can handle occasional harsh feedback
  • Is patient and willing to play the long game

What you can expect:

  • Timeline: With the right approach, you might see initial leads within a few weeks, but expect 3-6 months and continued engagement for consistent results.
  • Audience: Often a mix of posts by curious beginners and replies by industry veterans, depending on the subreddits you target.
  • Benefits beyond leads: Deep industry insights, diverse perspectives, and often, unexpected connections and opportunities.

A word on building trust on Reddit:

Remember, your Reddit account is your identity on the platform. An older account with varied interests and a healthy amount of karma can significantly boost your credibility. Please for the love of God, don't create an account just for promotion - engage in discussions you genuinely find interesting, even if they're unrelated to your business.
People will look at your profile to figure out who you are, especially if they suspect you of promotion and a well-rounded presence will make your posts feel more authentic and trustworthy.
Eli Finer

Written by

Eli Finer